Blog 3 Fight club- Stephen B

Fight Club released by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996 is about a unnamed character and his experience of having insomnia. While intrigued by his doctors evaluation this character finds relief by creating characters and then meets this man named Tyler Durden and creates an underground fight club where the number one rule is you never speak about fight club. A huge key difference that is adapted from the book to the movie is the ending. While the narrator shoots himself in the head and “Dies” he actually blacks out to find reawaken in the mental hospital because he’s convinced after the shooting he’s in heaven, while in the book we see the hospital employees revealing them to be part of the project, As the narrator and Marla, his lover are holding hand while the building are falling apart around him to say that he got rid of the bad part of him to be able start a new part of his life. Id have to say that from the movie to the book the movie is its own piece of art. Staring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton we are finding out the reality of insomnia through the exploration of characters that are made up in the Narrators head after visiting different help groups.


Blog 3-Stacey J


The Devil Wears Prada                  The Devil Wears Prada (Widescreen Edition): Anne ...

The Devil wears Prada film is an adaptation from the book by Lauren Weisberger.  The film was released in 2006.  The book and movie were a huge success and are still popular today! The Devil Wears Prada follows Andy, a new college graduate that lands a job as an assistant. Andy will be working for Miranda, a powerful and terrifying high fashion magazine editor.

The movie stays faithful to the book. You can see all the beautiful clothes, shoes, and handbags that are described in the book. The cast of the movie is awesome! Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, and Stanley Tucci bring their talents and skills to this movie. They really bring the characters to life.  I love Nigel who was played by Stanley Tucci.  The friendship between Nigel and Andy was favorite!

I think one of the subtle differences was in the book Miranda is portrayed as a monster and treats everyone around her horribly!  In the movie they show a more human side of Miranda. An example of this would be the scene when Miranda finds out her husband is filing for divorce. She almost breaks down in tears while talking to Andy. She is worried about her daughters and how it will affect them. In the movie she is way more likable.

The ending of the movie is also more satisfying than in the book.  In the book, we do not really know what happens with Andy.  We know her relationship is over with her boyfriend and she has an interview at another publication.  The End. In the movie Andy’s boyfriend is willing to give their relationship another chance and Andy gets that interview at another publication and a recommendation from Miranda! Andy and Miranda seem to end the movie on good terms.  This movie is one of the rare films that I have enjoyed more than the book!


Blog post #4 April S.

In 1868, Louis May Alcott published the first volume of “Little Women”. Since the early 1900’s, there have been multiple movie adaptations of this film. My favorite was the most recent one that was released on Christmas Day 2019. I chose this adaptation because many people would say this is a book about social conformity. However, I see it as more than that and at times, the opposite of that. The character Joe will not conform. She hates the thought of sitting around doing women’s work. She eventually ends up writing novels. Before her time, this was only done primarily by men. It was very hard for a woman to get published before 1850. In the movie, the major dramatic question the audience is trying to figure out while watching this film is, how do the March sisters  survive and thrive in the trying times of the 1800’s, during the Civil War? At that time, many women were taking on more manly roles because of the war. The answer to the  major dramatic question is that the girls learn to rise above all else and believe in their convictions, they each find their own niche and the become strong, brave, independent women in their own right. What does the answer to the major dramatic question mean? That while growing up in trying times, it is possible to not only survive but thrive.  These sisters learned many major life lessons, many of them detrimental. However, through it all, they kept their strong bond as sisters, and they always knew that their family bond would get them through.

Blog Post 3- Aubree Jean

img_2920                                                            Frankenstein was originally a book by Mary Shelly that has been adapted into many movies, TV shows, and even a musical. Of course the movies cannot stay completely true to the book, but the plot is generally the same. One key element of the story that has been lost by many is that Frankenstein is the doctor. The monster is just referred to in the book as Frankenstein’s monster. Many people, however, refer to the monster as Frankenstein and that is not correct. This is an example of how adaptations and different storytellings can mix up some important information. On the other hand, adaptations are important in order to reach a wider audience. Some people may not enjoy books, while other people may not eggnog watching movies. Having both reaches a wider scope of people. This movie in particular is pretty true to the original because it clear that Frankenstein is the doctor and it goes through the same events as the book. Many are not exact, but rather shortened. This is necessary because very few people would be willing to watch a movie that was twice as long, just to fit every bit of information in it.

Blog #5 – Mariela D

The Shining

  1. The major dramatic question of this amazing movie adaptation is what is going to happen at this hotel? And will it bring this family closer or farther apart?
  2. The answer is that the dark forces of this hotel will make Jack Torrance go insane and turn into an axe murderer. This obviously and inevitably breaks this family apart ending in Danny and his mother leaving Jack at the hotel.
  3. This movie is arguing that no matter how much you want a family to work, it just sometimes isn’t meant to be. Another theme to take from this is that women are very much needed and have to be appreciated. Wendy was the one taking care of the hotel when Jack was the one hired to be the caretaker. This shows that sometimes men can easily overlook important tasks because they put their profession ahead of their family and important tasks. He treats Wendy with almost no respect even though she is doing all the work.
    On the left is Jack Torrance, and on the right is Wendy (his wife).
    This is Wendy and Danny. This shows the relationship that Danny and Wendy share because of Jack’s behavior.

    This is an example of Wendy taking care of the hotel when Jack was “writing”. She is in the boiler room I believe in this photo.

Michelle Macrito- Blog Post #3

An adaptation is an action or process of adapting something from one form and converting it into another.  Adaptations are commonly in written form and then brought to life in a different form generally a T.V. Show or Movie. For this blog post, I’ve decided to take a look at a movie that is adapted from one of my favorite classic books, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  The Great Gatsby was written in 1925, and the movie adaptation came out in 2013.  This adaptation stayed very close to the written words of F. Scott Fitzgerald while also bringing in some components of the society of which it was filmed within. Throughout the movie, we see and experience all of the things we expect from what we have read in The Great Gatsby book, we are able to be part of the crazy parties, and have a sense of what it’s like to drive through as well as be in the “Valley of Ashes”. All key details stay true to the book and if important is emphasized through the cinematography. Unlike the book in the movie is not accompanied by music that directly mocks the 1920’s.  Instead, each scene is accompanied by rap and alternative music of the time frame the movie was made. This music helps emulate how this story of the 1920s is still relevant in some way today.

I believe that The Great Gatsby movie is a piece of its own work. The cinematic components of this movie bring it to a whole different life on its own and do to the amazing costume design the story really comes to life in a whole new way.  I feel that this adaptation was a way to retell a classic story but also appeal to a new audience.

Blog #4 – Mariela D

I chose the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower. This movie is adapted from the book of the same name, by Stephen Chbosky. It is a little different from the book because it does stray from some details and events that aren’t in the movie; such as his sister’s abortion doesn’t happen in the movie, and many backstories are not involved in the movie. This movie is like its own piece of art, but it definitely does stay true to the plot. I think that the director did a good job with mixing the book’s plot/details without making the movie too long. If the movie and book were exactly the same, it wouldn’t be an adaptation, and it would be three hours long!

This quote is from the book I believe, but the movie talks about the idea of love and what it means to love.
The left is the original book cover, and the right is the updated cover after the movie came out.
A scene from the movie with characters Charlie, Patrick, and Mary Elizabeth.

Blog #3 April S.


The Hunger Games book was released in 2008 and a movie adaptation was made in 2012. In my opinion, The Hunger Games adaptation from book to movie was one of the best adaptations I have ever seen. While watching the movie, I felt just as I did while reading the book. It was everything I had imagined. It captured the surroundings and charm perfectly. Although, There were a few differences between the two, they were slight and did not affect the the final productions story or success. The biggest difference in the adaptation is the Mayor of District 12 and his daughter, Madge. The Mayor and his daughter Madge are not mentioned in the movie. I wish that was different. Madge loved Katniss, and I believe Katniss reciprocated. I also believe Katniss envied Madge’s life. She had a good life with two parents that loved her very much and obviously being the Mayor’s daughter kept her exempt from the games. In the book, she was actually the one that gave Katniss the infamous mocking jay pin, instead of Prim who gave it to her in the movie. In my opinion, this was the biggest flaw and really the only major differences. Obviously, there was more inner dialogue in the book than in the movie, and there were slight differences with attire but thats to be expected. The book was much more graphic and gory because, they did not have to put a rating on it such as the PG 13 rating that was put on the movie. This adaptation was completely faithful to the original and for this I am very appreciative.

Blog 2- Stephen Bognar

I’d like to talk about Mrs. Doubtfire for my second post. A fantastic movie by the late Robin Williams but also a one of a kind of movie. In my own words I would have to say that its Mrs. Doubtfire aka Daniel Hillard Is the protagonist. After a bitter divorce between Daniel and Miranda Hillard, Danial disguises himself as the female housemate to spend more time with his children but also to prove in the long run that he can be the grown person that Miranda Hillards says he’s not.

The reason why I’m say that Daniel Hillards is the protagonist to the movie is because that in the beginning he is shown as a child, always trying to prove that you should have fun. Well, after the divorce he then has to prove that he can keep a steady job, house, and income to prove that he can be able to see his children more. So, when Miranda says that she has to hire a maid, Daniel doesn’t like the idea but put himself up to the test to be able to become a female maid known as Mrs. Doubtfire but also be able to prove that he can be that grown person. So Daniel or Mrs. Doubtfire is the protagonist because she is the one who drives the conflict. She drives the conflict to the resolution of that he was able to take care of his child while not being known to his wife but also was able to get a acting job as Mrs. Doubtfire for a children’s T.V show. For every problem that happens she has the resolution.